7 11 Dice Game
Category:Dice Games
# of people needed: a minimum of about 4 or 5, no real maximum.
Supplies needed: a shot glass, 2 dice, and a lot of beer.
Ok, here's how it works. Have whoever is playing sit around a table. Place the shot glass on the table. The first person who starts takes both dice and rolls them on the table. The object of the game is to get a '7' and '11' or doubles of any kind. If you get a '7' an '11' or doubles, you tell someone to drink.
The person you tell to drink fills the shot glass to the top with their beer. Now, here's the important part. The person that made someone drink sits there and watches the person who is supposed to drink carefully. As soon as the drinker picks up the shot of beer to drink it, the 'drinkee' rolls the dice on the table as fast as he/she can, and if the roll turns out to be a '7' an '11' or a double, the process repeats. The drinker fills the shot glass again and the drinkee waits for the person to pick up the shot and then starts rolling. This can go on for a while, depending upon the luck of the roller. The highest I've seen in a row is around 10 times.
Here's some more rules:
As soon as the drinker finishes the shot of beer, he/she has to put it down on the table as fast as he/she can, and when it hits the table, the dice cannot be rolled anymore. If the roller has not gotten a '7', and '11' or a double by the time the drinker finishes the beer, the dice get passed to the next person. If the dice have left the rollers hand, and the shot glass was slammed down after the dice left the rollers hand, the roll *will* count if a '7' and '11' or doubles come up.
If the roller is trying to roll too fast or is too drunk, and the dice fall off the table, it's said to be 'sloppy dice, drink twice'. The roller must just drink twice out of his/her beer.
There is another kind of 'rule' that some people play with, while others don't, depending upon how people feel. If a person has drunk a large # of consecutive shots, someone can 'save' him/her by stealing the shot. All that means is that the 'stealer' (the person not designated to drink) picks up the shot and drinks it. If the roller sees this, he/she rolls the dice and as always, tries to get '7' '11' or doubles. If those rolls come up, the person that stole the shot has to drink again, just as the designated drinker would have.
Another twist to this game is the 'fake out'. As soon as the drinker touches the shot glass the roller can roll. The drinker can 'fake out' the roller by pretending to pick up the shot, but not touching it. If the roller *thinks* the drinker touched the shot, but really didn't, the roller drinks.
These following rules have been slightly different it seems wherever I play, but in general, you can't ever move the shot or dice closer to you before your turn. If there are ten people playing around a big table, and the shot is on the other side of the table, tough luck.
Remaining rules. Rolling a '9' is a social. Rolling a '4' and a '1' in a turn results in everyone putting their finger to their nose. The last one to realize what's going on, and doesn't get their finger to their nose, drinks.
That's about it. This is a mid-high level buzz factor game. In a half hour period, it's not uncommon to go through 2 or 3 beers per person.
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- The game is played in an agreed-upon number of rounds. In each round, all players take a turn rolling the dice. One player is chosen to begin and then play proceeds clockwise around the table. Each player in turn rolls six dice and removes any combination of numbers that add up to seven.
- This is the game’s first roll and it could end the game if it is a 7, 11, 2, 3 or 12. The shooter and any other player who bet in favor of the shooter win the game if a 7 or 11 is rolled. If a 2, 3 or 12 come up when the dice are rolled the shooter and other players who bet for him lose.
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7 11 21 Dice Game
7/11 or Doubles
What you Need
- 1 Shared Cup, usually a Solo Cup
- A Pair of Dice
- Beverage of Choice – Beer works best
How to Play
Place the drinking cup in the middle of the table, filling it with a few ounces of beer. If using a Solo cup, the bottom line makes a great fill line.
Players take turns rolling the pair of dice, hoping to roll a 7, 11, or double. If they roll a 7, 11, or Double, they will choose another player to drink the cup in the middle. As soon as the Drinker touches the cup, the Roller can begin to roll again. The Roller is trying to toss a 7, 11, or Double before the Drinker finishes the drink and sets the cup back on the table.
If the Roller tosses 7, 11, or Doubles before the drinker finishes the drink, the cup is filled again and the Drinker must drink again while the Roller rolls.
If the Drinker finishes the cup before a 7, 11, or Double is rolled, the Rollers turn is over and the dice are passed along to the next player.
Before the game, the cup in the middle of the table is filled with a few ounces of the drink of choice (if beer is used, often it is filled to the first line on the bottom of a Solo cup). Play then commences in other a clockwise or counterclockwise fashion.
Rules to Know
7 11 Dice Game Rules
Don’t Touch the Dice! – Once a Drinker is chosen, the Roller must wait to roll until the Drinker touches the cup. If the dice are touched too soon, the roles are reversed. The Drinker now rolls and the Roller must drink.
The Rescuer – Other players may “save” the drinker at any time by grabbing the cup and drinking it for the the Drinker. If the Roller is able to roll another 7, 11, or Double, the Rescuer becomes the Drinker and must continue as such.
7 11 Dice Game Online
Don’t Touch the Cup! – Only the Drinker can touch the cup. Anyone else who touches it while filling, or otherwise, must drink it.
Alternate or Additional Rules
7 11 Dice Game Online
Sloppy Dice – The Roller must drink a full glass.
3’s Drink – Players who roll a total of 3 must drink. This is before 7, 11, or Doubles are rolled, not when the Roller is against the Drinker.
Individual Cups – Players may want their own cups. Beverage levels must match that of the other glasses on the table.