Nature Bingo

Print and go Nature Scavenger Hunt, Customize or start from scratch with Nature Scavenger Hunt bingo cards by logging in or registering your Bingo Card Creator Give one card to each player. Call off words randomly from the cut-aprt call list automatically genarated when you print your Nature Scavenger Hunt. Bingo card with Water or a rain cloud., A trash can or recycling bin., A nest burrow, or other animal home. (Leave it alone.), A group of ants. (Are they carrying food?), A plant eater, like a deer or bunny., A very sunny spot., A shady plant., A person or pet who is exercising., A path or fence. (How do these help ecosystems?) and A bug that bites people, such as a mosquito. Nature BINGO Photo Source: Looking for an educational way to get outdoors and soak up the sun? Cindy, creator of the blog Along the Way and featured contributor at Totally Tots, found this simple BINGO game that will have your little explorers observing and learning about the world around them all while breathing some much needed fresh air in the. Nature’s Outdoor Bingo can be played by any age camper, but is especially well suited for young campers 8-years old and under. Since a deck of picture cards is used to “call” the moves, this game can be played with or without a non-playing “caller.” Note: All bingo cards have the same symbols, just shuffled around so that no two cards.
August 13, 2020 in K-12 Activities, Newsroom
Welcome back to another fun edition of Cranetivities! You can access last week’s and all of our editions of Cranetivitieshere. This week we have a simple and fun activity: NATURE BINGO!
The goal of nature bingo is to win by putting checks on the paper and by experiencing the natural world around you. No matter where you live, you can hear birds, see flowers and find natural spaces to explore.
Nature Bingo card photos by Ted Thousand.
Activity Description:Are you looking for a new way to enjoy the outdoors? Turn a walk around the block into a scavenger hunt with the International Crane Foundation’s bingo game!

Nature Bingo Free
Grades: All ages
Time estimate: 30 minutes to one hour
Topics covered: Natural history and nature exploration
Materials needed: Internet connection, printer, something to write with, or a tablet or smartphone to bring with you outside
Adult involvement: Minimaland join in if you want to have fun, too!

Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor
Each Bingo card is unique and allows for competition among siblings, family members and friends!
Bingo card 1
Bingo card 3
Bingo card 4
Bingo card 5
Bingo card 6
Bingo card 7
Bingo card 8
Bingo card 9

Work plan:
It’s pretty simple. :Choose a bingo card from one of the links above. Each one is unique. If more than one person playing, each player should use a different bingo card. Take the bingo cards outside and explore! Try to find the items on your bingo card.
For example, if you or your child find a log, look under it! On the bingo card above, you could then cross out “Looked under a log” on the third row down, second column across. Try to be the first person to get BINGO, by completing all the items in a row, column or diagonally. If you want to reuse a card, you could just put a small tick mark in each box.
It’s pretty simple!Asyou and your family complete their ‘Bingo,’ remember that the prize is the exploration and adventure you’ve sharedalong the way.
Nature Bingo For Kids
We hope you have fun enjoying the last days of summer! This bingo game is warm-weather focused. If you enjoy it, let us know on social media! We would love to make a winter-themed nature bingo version for you.
Got feedback? We would love to hear your thoughts on our educational resources. This survey will allow you to provide feedback on our Cranetivities series. If you have used any of our other educational resources, like our From the Field series or our online activity packets, you may provide feedback on those resources here. You may also email us at [email protected] if you have questions or comments for us, or would like to share photos of you and your kids’ crane creations! We will see you next time for a new edition of Cranetivities!
This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Water or a rain cloud., A trash can or recycling bin., A nest burrow, or other animal home. (Leave it alone.), A group of ants. (Are they carrying food?), A plant eater, like a deer or bunny., A very sunny spot., A shady plant., A person or pet who is exercising., A path or fence. (How do these help ecosystems?), A bug that bites people, such as a mosquito or tick, Tall grass or a bush. (Are animals hiding inside or behind it?), Something to throw away or recycle after the game., An animal that lives in soil, like a worm., Two types of animals, like birds and squirrels, that could share a home, like a tree., A plant with brown leaves. (Could it need more water?), A large rock. (Are there bugs underneath it?), A bee or bird. (Is it pollinating?), Animals (besides people) who are 'talking.', A flock of birds., An animal people might eat, like a rabbit or a cow., An animal a bird might eat, like a worm or a beetle., A spider web. (How does this help the spider?), Sticks on the ground. (What animal might use them, and for what?) and A flower pot or flower bed..
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Nature Bingo Game